Fildena Super Active


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About Fildena Super Active

Fildena Super Active contains Sildenafil Citrate as an active constituent used for treating Erectile Dysfunction and Pulmonary Hypertension.

Sildenafil Citrate belongs to the group of PDE5 inhibitors. Fortune Healthcare Private Limited manufactures Fildena Super Active.

Usage of Fildena Super Active

Fildena Super Active mg is solely for men who have Erectile Dysfunction. It is a sexual dysfunction that impairs a man from sustaining an erection.

The root cause of ED is the improper flow of blood towards the membrum virile through the erectile tissue.

Moreover, any difficulty that may cause insufficient blood flow through the penis will lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

How does it work?

Sildenafil Citrate is a phosphodiesterase (PDE-5), the active ingredient in the Fildena Super Active. It works in treating Erectile Dysfunction by increasing blood flow towards the penis by relaxing the muscle in penile blood vessels in men.

Sildenafil Citrate also works in pulmonary hypertension by mitigating the lungs’ blood vessels to allow blood to flow more easily.

How to take medicine?

Seek your doctor’s advice before you start your medication. Super Active Fildena is a gelatin capsule that can be swallowed with a glassful of water.

One capsule is a daily dose that is recommended for this medication.


You must consult your doctor before taking this medicine as there are chances that you may take a higher dose than required for your body.

There are many other strengths of Fildena Super Active, which unfold in the following strengths:

  • Super Fildena
  • Fildena Professional 100 mg

Side Effects

Fildena Super Active is a medication that has a lot of benefits, but in spite of all those, there are some reactive issues to it too.
Moreover, if you take your medicine with the proper instructions of your doctor, you may not have any issues like-

  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Changes in Vision
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Numbness
  • Painful Urination
  • Prolonged & Painful Erection

General Precautions

Fildena Super Active should be used very cautiously:

  • Men who have any Physical Deformity of the Penis or have gone through a painful Erection that lasts more than four hours
  • In the case of Dental Procedures or other surgeries
  • Discuss with your doctor about all your diseases or medications to get the best possible treatment and dosage adjustment in any diseased conditions or complications
  • Tell the doctor if you have any interacting disease or taking any interacting medicine with Sildenafil Citrate (Fildena CT 50)


It is always recommended to take your doctor’s advice before taking any medicine. You can have an adverse effect on your health, especially if you are already taking any medication.

Drug Interactions

  • Medicines containing Nitrates
  • Alpha-adrenergic blocking agents like Doxazosin
  • Aspirin (Acetyl Salicylic Acid)
  • Warfarin
  • CYP3A4 inhibitors: Ketoconazole, Erythromycin, and Cimetidine
  • HIV protease inhibitor: Saquinavir and Ritonavir
  • Riociguat

Disease Interaction

  • Blood cell disorders are known as sickle cell anemia and leukemia
  • Blindness in one or both eyes and Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Allergic problems
  • Cardiac disease
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Peyronie’s disease

Food Interactions

  • Meals that are high in fat
  • Alcohol and Marijuana
  • Grapefruit and grapefruit juice


  • It is feasible to store Fildena Super Active at room temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.
  • It’s also better to check the expiry dates before taking medicine, and don’t take it if it has crossed the date.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Sildenafil Citrate do?

Sildenafil helps in the treatment of men who have Erectile Dysfunction. It belongs to a group of medicines called Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. These medicines help in preventing enzymes called Phosphodiesterase type-5 from acting too quickly.

What happens if I take Sildenafil Citrate?

Erectile Dysfunction is a treatment of increasing blood flow towards the penis throughout sexual stimulation.

Sildenafil also helps treat PAH by relaxing the blood vessels in the lungs to allow smooth blood flow.

How should I take Sildenafil for the best results?

Swallow the whole tablet with a glass of water or juice (not grapefruit juice). Moreover, for Erectile Dysfunction, it’s best to take Sildenafil on an empty stomach

Active Ingredient (Generic Name)






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